1. School terms will commerce from 1st April to 31st March every year.
2. The home work is given almost daily parents will kindly see that the student complete the homework. They should guide their wards in this respects.
3. Students without proper uniform(pressed cloths, polished shoes) according to the season will be fined Rs.5/- per day debarred from the class.
4. Children will wear house uniform on every Wednesday and Saturday.
5. Children should reach the school five minutes before the school bell goes. Student who came late will be sent back & considered absent from the school.
6. A handkerchief should be pinned on the left side of the student from nursery to first class.
7. The children should bring their lunch-boxes and water bottles themselves in the morning . Late lunch will not accepted without permission.
8. If a student or his/her parents misbehave with any of the school official/ teachers, then the student is liable to be suspended from the school. No argument will be entertained.
9. If the child intentionally spoils or damages school property, the damage will have to be met by the parents. The decision of the Principal in such cases will be final and binding.
10. Children should be instructed at home to deposit with the class teacher any belongings of another child.
11. Any changes in address must be intimated to the school office without delay.
12. Pupils and parents are advised to ensure that at least two readings are given whatever work has been done in the class that day even if home work in not given of it
13. Parents are advised to allow the children to watch only educational programs on T.V. The habitual watching of movies and film songs should be discouraged.
14. Students will not wear ornaments/valuable items in school. School authorities will not be held responsible for their loss or damage.
15. Once a pupil comes to school, he/she will not be allowed to go home in between.
16. School authorities will not be held responsible if any student is injured during lunch-break however we are morally bound to provide medical first-aid.
17. School authorities will not be held responsible for any kind of vehicle theft from the school campus. Doesn’t leave any vehicle without a lock.
18. Student who come to school on their own, should arrive well before the bell rings.
19. Students, who come to school escorted, should never leave before the escort arrives. In case of delay they should report to the school office.
20. The school does not permit the celebration of birthdays in the school campus. Parents are allowed to sent at the most, two ordinary sweets per child to be distributed on the Child’s Birthday. No other outside food is permitted.
21. School are expected to respect the property of others. This includes respect for school property. No student should damaged any school furniture, write or draw any thing on walls, furniture or in any way damage things belonging to others,
22. There should be no distinction in terms of religion, caste, income group, colour, creed etc. The school reserves the right to take strict disciplinary action against a student whose conduct is harmful to other students.
23. If students misbehaves/infringes rules and regulations or in disciplined in the school, the Principal reserves the right to levy fine/ suspended/ withdraw/ expel the student from the school
24. If a parent misbehaves or is rude to any teacher/ employees/ Principal/ members of the management his child/ward can be withdrawn from the school by the Principal/ Director.
25. School provides bus facility and organizes various educational tours/hikes/picnics etc for student and takes enough precautionary measures fir safety of pupil. Parents avail this facility at their own risk. In case of any unfortunate event/accidently minor or major injury/loss of life or property because of some natural calamity of otherwise school will not held responsible in any manner